Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Jonathan Sayers
Jonathan Sayers

Jonathan Sayers

Review Editor

Jonathan is a professional writer with a versatile content writing background in the legal, insurance, and entertainment fields. His true passion, however, lies in tech and gaming. When he's not immersed in the next great video game experience or fantasizing about owning the cool gadgets on the horizon, he's actively writing about emerging tech trends and evolutions in cloud computing. As a contributor to GearLab, Jonathan seeks to share his love for gear and extend the same kind of guidance that he is always looking for himself before a big purchase.

After studying Computer Science at Missouri State University, Jonathan later went on to earn his IT Support Specialization. A career in IT proved not to be in the cards when Jonathan discovered his obsession with writing instead. Still, his education and personal love for tech continue to be driving forces in his career.