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Panasonic KX-TGE432 Review

While it came close to scoring an award, this phone was held back by its less than stellar sound quality and battery life
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Panasonic KX-TGE432 Review (The Panasonic KX-TGE432 offers a nice suite of features, but it cannot link to a mobile phone.)
The Panasonic KX-TGE432 offers a nice suite of features, but it cannot link to a mobile phone.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman
Price:  $80 List
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Manufacturer:   Panasonic
By David Wise and Austin Palmer  ⋅  Dec 20, 2021
  • Sound Quality - 30% 6.0
  • Range - 25% 8.0
  • Ease of Use - 20% 7.0
  • Features - 15% 7.0
  • Battery Life - 10% 4.0

Our Verdict

Finishing close to the top of the group overall, the Panasonic KX-TGE432 is very easy to use, has a solid set of features, and an impressive range. However, this cordless phone couldn't quite compare to some of the other top models when it came to sound quality and battery life, precluding it from winning an award. The KX-TGE432 is a great phone and would serve most people very well but it is hard to recommend this one as our top choices are just a little bit better and usually cost about the same or even less.
Excellent range
Tons of features
Unimpressive battery life
Sound quality could be better

Our Analysis and Test Results

Performance Comparison

panasonic kx-tge432 - the panasonic kx-tge432 offers a nice suite of features, but it...
The Panasonic KX-TGE432 offers a nice suite of features, but it cannot link to a mobile phone.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Sound Quality

We began our testing process by comparing and scoring the sound quality of the KX-TGE432. Unfortunately, we found this phone to be mediocre in this regard. To test this, we recorded messages and had a panel of judges evaluate and score the clarity of each message. Additionally, we also had these same judges answer a call on the KX-TGE432 and award points based on how clear the incoming voice is.

panasonic kx-tge432 - sound quality isn't the kx-tge432's strong suit.
Sound quality isn't the KX-TGE432's strong suit.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

The recordings created by the Panasonic are decent in quality with the entire message being understandable. However, we did notice a bit of background fuzz in all the message — something we have seen quite frequently on the Panasonic phones we have tested. It wasn't as buzzy as some of the phones we have seen but it was definitely noticeable.

Our judges all felt that incoming voice came through the KX-TGE432 quite clearly, making it very easy to hear and understand what the other person was saying. However, it again wasn't quite as clear and free of background static as the top phones, knocking it down a few points.

panasonic kx-tge432 - the kx-tge432 has top-notch range.
The KX-TGE432 has top-notch range.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman


The KX-TGE432 performance improved markedly in our second set of tests. It did extremely well, earning one of the top results of the entire group.

To award points, we conducted two tests with each phone: an unobstructed and obstructed range test. For the unobstructed range test, we used a long phone cord to set up the base station at the street, then began walking with the KX-TGE432 until the incoming voice became unrecognizable or we ran out of room. It was the latter that stopped us with the KX-TGE432, as we made it past 840' — the extent of our line-of-sight distance — and still could hear the call fine.

For the obstructed range test, we set up the KX-TGE432's base at the edge of a building, then began walking away from it so the signal had to pass through as many walls as possible.

The KX-TGE432 again did very well, making it to the maximum extent of the course — 300' — but was a tiny bit more difficult to understand than some of the top models at this distance.

panasonic kx-tge432 - the interface of the kx-tge432 is clear and easy to read.
The interface of the KX-TGE432 is clear and easy to read.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Ease of Use

Our third metric focused on how convenient and easy to operate each of these cordless phones are, which comprises 20% of the KX-TGE432's total score. In particular, we focused on the ease of use of both basic and advanced functions of each phone, covering things like the ease of reading and placing a call to how much work is required to block calls and add entries to the built-in phonebook.

This phone has an excellent backlight, making it incredibly easy to operate in a dark room. The only button that isn't illuminated is the directional pad in the middle and the screen and other buttons produce more than enough light to easily see it. The buttons and screen have text that is easy for most people to see at a distance of 6'. However, we did wish it hyphenated the number when you were entering it.

The find a handset feature is decently loud and lasts long enough that it isn't too much of a hassle to dig through your couch cushions and figure out where your handset disappeared too. It has any key answer and you can push the CID button and then talk to quickly and easily call someone back if you just missed their call. It is also very easy to put someone on hold or to use the speed dial, though it can take a little effort to assign numbers. This phone also has a built-in answering machine and a decently loud ringer or caller ID announcement. It also is easy enough to set the date and time.

The KX-TGE432 makes it super easy to block calls but we did wish it was a little easier and more intuitive to navigate through all the menus, which can get a bit tedious given all this phone's features and functions. It can also be quite time-consuming to enter names and contact info to its phonebook. The KX-TGE432 also lacks a do not disturb or quiet mode.

panasonic kx-tge432 - blocking a call is as pressing a button.
Blocking a call is as pressing a button.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman


The KX-TGE432 delivered another excellent performance when it came to features. You can expand this model with up to six handsets if you need more phones. Each phone also has an audio port and a belt clip, so the handset can be used with a headset if you need hands-free operation. This cordless phone also has the ability to act as an intercom system.

The KX-TGE432 has a built-in answering machine and an internal phonebook that can hold up to 100 entries. It's got large illuminated buttons if your eyesight isn't the best, but the main base does lack a keypad and speaker and this phone is not capable of linking to your smart or mobile phone.

panasonic kx-tge432 - the kx-tge432 has a slightly below average battery life.
The KX-TGE432 has a slightly below average battery life.
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Battery Life

For the remaining tenth of the total score, we tested and compared the battery life of each cordless phone. The KX-TGE432 didn't do all that well here.

To assess battery life, we looked at the effective talk time of each product, its standby time, and the time it takes to recharge. While the manufacturer claims that the KX-TGE432 battery will give you 12 hours of talk time, we only were able to get it to last for 9 hours, 40 minutes in our testing setup with music playing through the phones — much less than the 10-15 hours the top phones lasted for.

Panasonic states that this phone takes about seven hours to completely recharge and should last for up to eight days on standby mode, which is about average for these products.


This KX-TGE432 isn't a great value, as it did a little worse than the top phones but costs just a little bit more.


Overall, we didn't overly dislike the KX-TGE432 by Panasonic and it came very close to claiming an award. However, it just narrowly missed out on the top spot due to its reduced sound quality and lackluster battery life.

David Wise and Austin Palmer