Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Tara Reddinger-Adams
Tara Reddinger-Adams

Tara Reddinger-Adams

Review Editor

Tara Reddinger-Adams spent her childhood roaming the hills of western Pennsylvania, hiking in the woods, riding bikes, and camping with her Great-Grandparents, which cemented her love of the outdoors. She eventually wound up at the University of Minnesota, where she majored in metal sculpture and went on to earn a Masters in Education after learning she had a knack for developing and coordinating programs for youth. Her love of the outdoors never ceased, and she began traveling the west, exploring new places, eventually taking up rock climbing, snowboarding, and mountain biking. She worked in a bike shop for over a decade, absorbing all she could about bikes. In 2016, she became a certified mountain biking instructor through BICP and PMBIA and started her own coaching and guiding business, North Star Mountain Bike Guides, who provides mountain bike coaching in Minnesota, and all-inclusive mountain bike vacations in Arizona and Utah. She also is a coach and Ambassador for VIDA Mountain Bike Series in Colorado. Needless to say, she's pretty stoked to be able to combine her passion for bikes with her passion for teaching others.

When she's not on the bike or coaching mountain biking, you'll find her cooking up some impressive meals in the kitchen, honing her cocktail making skills, or enjoying some time on her new crush, paddleboarding.