Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Kristin Anderson

Review Editor

Kristin grew up in Maine, and made her way west to Yosemite National Park when she was 19. After her first visit to Yosemite, she started a migration pattern, spending the school year in Maine to complete her undergraduate degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences, and spending summers working and playing in Yosemite. Her undergraduate degree focused on the science of human behavior and psychology which gave her the tools of objective observation, and scientific analysis and allows her to analyze products with a "human" touch.

Kristin has over 15 years of experience in outreach and education in public lands, working as a guide and park ranger. When she is not contributing to technical reviews, she works full time as the program manager for Yosemite's Art and Nature Center, providing educational programming for all ages. Kristin's life is not all work and no play! When not working she enjoys climbing, running, and meandering down the river with a fly rod. She considers herself a food motivated person, and most high output activities need to be paired with good food!